• Address: 8010 North University Dr., Floor 2, Tamarac, FL 33321
  • Email: stephen@cameronlawgroup.com

Category Archives: Property Damage Claims

Knowing what to expect, what to bring, and how to get the most out of your lawyer appointment can help reduce anxiety and ensure a smooth process. Here are five steps you can take to get ready for your consultation.

1. Gather All Relevant Documents

Be mindful of any paperwork the lawyer might need, such as the insurance contract and other records involved in the claim. Having everything in hand will save your property claims attorney valuable time and resources.

2. Prepare a List of Questions

Make the most of your upcoming meeting by preparing a list of questions beforehand. Consider researching common questions related to your property claim to get ideas, such as what rights and duties you have that apply to your situation. Writing these questions down before the meeting will help put your mind at ease and ensure that you can fully express your concerns during the discussion.

3. Research the Lawyer

Investigate your lawyer’s background to determine if they are a good match for your case. Look for any information regarding their credentials and specialties that can help you better understand their qualifications. Investigate what types of cases the property claims attorney generally works on, how long they have been practicing, and their payment procedures. Researching the property claim lawyer in Tamarac will ensure that you are well informed about them when the time comes for the meeting and have confidence in their ability to handle your case. Cameron Law Group offers personalized consultations to help you understand your potential claim and get to know your lawyer.

4. Be Honest and Transparent

Your lawyer will ask crucial questions to determine what legal steps you should take next, so make sure to provide them with accurate and detailed information about your situation. In addition, explain your personal goals or objectives to the attorney to determine if alternatives could help resolve the issue without resorting to formal court proceedings.

5. Arrive Early and Dress Professionally

Wearing tailored and professional clothing sends a message that you are an organized individual who is serious about the case. Arriving

a few minutes before your appointment shows respect for the lawyer’s time and allows you to familiarize yourself with their office. Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early to find parking, check in, and review any last-minute details before getting started.

Having all the necessary documents you need to prove your case and taking time to think about the questions you want to ask can ease tension and make the most of your first encounter with a legal professional. We would love to answer any questions you have regarding a property claim lawyer in Tamarac. Contact Cameron Law Group to find out more information about our services.

If you’re a property owner in Florida, it’s important to understand the property claim process. Filing a property claim is the first step in recovering damages after a natural disaster or another property-related incident. Here is an overview of the property claim process in Florida, as well as some key things to keep in mind if you decide to file a claim.

The Process of Filing a Property Damage Claim in Florida

If you have suffered property damage due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to file a property damage claim. In Florida, filing a property damage claim can be complicated, and it is essential to understand the ins and outs of the process before you file. Working with a property claim lawyer in Tamarac is also essential since they understand the process and can help you get the compensation you deserve.

If you decide to file a property damage claim in Florida, you will need to do the following:

  • Gather evidence of the property damage – This may include photographs, receipts, or other documentation showing the damage’s extent.
  • File a police report – To file a property damage claim, you will need a police report that documents the property damage.
  • Hire a lawyer – When filing a property claim, hiring a property claim lawyer in Tamarac who is familiar with the process and can help you get the compensation you deserve is important.
  • File a property damage claim with your insurance company – Once you have gathered all the necessary evidence and documentation, you must file a property damage claim with your insurance company.
  • Negotiate with the insurance company – The insurance provider will look into your property damage claim once you’ve filed it and can make you a settlement offer. To get a reasonable payment, you will need to negotiate with the insurance provider with the assistance of a property claim lawyer.
  • Go to court – If the other party does not respond to the property damage claim, you may need to go to court to resolve the issue.

How Long Do You Have to File a Property Claim in Florida?

In Florida, property owners must file a homeowner’s insurance claim for four years from the incident date. Once the claim has been filed, Florida insurance companies have 14 days to acknowledge receipt and provide information on any additional documentation or forms that they may need.

Homeowners may need to send receipts showing the cost of repairs or replacement property and proof that the property has been damaged. An experienced property claim lawyer can help gather this documentation and negotiate with the insurance company to ensure that the property owner receives the full compensation they are entitled to.

In conclusion, if you get affected by a natural disaster in Florida, it’s important to know the process for filing a property damage claim. The sooner you start the process, the sooner you can start rebuilding your life. You can also contact the Cameron Law Group. Our team of experienced property claim lawyers is here to help guide you through every step of the process and make sure that you receive the compensation that you deserve.

Natural disasters like fire, hurricanes, and tornados can hit a property anytime, leading to massive losses. Even when insured, filing a property claim in Florida can be very frustrating. Unfortunately, most insurance companies are more interested in making profits than helping the policyholder. They can deny a valid claim, offer an unreasonably low payment, and delay the settlement. Hiring a property claims lawyer is the best way to go about it. Here is a guide on how to present your property claim.

Inform the Authority of the Disaster

Inform your local authority immediately if you experience property damage. The police will give you a first information report number that you will use to validate your claims.

Call Your Insurer

Next, call your insurance company to report the damage. Write down the name and the job title of the agent you speak to, and record the conversation if possible. Give them details like your name, address, phone number, policy number, and the actual date and time of your loss. Follow this up with a letter confirming that you reported a claim.

Document Your Losses

Assess the extent of the damage. Prepare a list of the damaged items and the type of damage sustained. You can even attach a purchase receipt of the damaged items if possible. Take photos and videos of the damaged property, keep copies and share this with the insurance representative.

Receive the Insurance Company’s Surveyor

The insurance company will send an official to inspect your property and assess the damage. Be very honest when explaining the events that occurred during the accident. Work with them to calculate the value of the damaged items and the estimated repair cost.

Fill in the Claim Application Form

Read the agreement to understand the terms and the time limit to file a claim. Fill in the claim form and present documents validating property ownership, a list of repair or replacement requirements, injured persons’ treatment reports, and lease agreements to file a property claim in Florida.

If you incurred extra expenses like accommodation due to a damaged house, include the costs for your stay, meals, and other essentials. After approving your claim, the insurer should pay for repairs to your property and replace damaged items.

Hire an Attorney

Contact a property claims lawyer to get legal advice as soon as your property sustains damage. In case of property damage on a commercial property that disrupts productivity, hire an attorney to represent you. Work with a lawyer if you feel dissatisfied with the claim settlement or if the process seems somewhat difficult. A legal professional will also help you out if you don’t agree with the insurance company’s compensation or if the insurer denies your claim without a reasonable cause.

If you need help with an insurance claim, get in touch with Cameron Law Group. We will connect you with the best property claims lawyer in Tamarac, who will ensure you get full compensation. Contact us for free consultation.

When it comes to filing a property claim for damages to your home in Tamarac, working with an insurance company can be a hassle. That’s why you need the team at the Cameron Law Group. We specialize in helping homeowners and business owners get the most out of their property claims. In a perfect world, your insurance company should be a saving grace in the event your home is damaged as the result of a hurricane, burst pipe, or another disaster. However, many property claims in South Florida end up denied or underpaid, and that can be very frustrating for a homeowner. You pay your premiums to your insurance company on time year after year, and you expect they will pay for repairs when you file a claim—right? Not always. They may refuse to pay the full cost of the damages or outright deny you any money for your claim.  At Cameron Law Group, our lawyers hate to see an honest homeowner getting taken advantage of by a greedy insurance company. That’s why Cameron Law Group is always here to provide guidance, support, and legal assistance in dealing with your insurance company.

Contact a property claim lawyer to get you the compensation you deserve

You submit a claim to an insurance company for many reasons, such as a car accident, to see the doctor for a specific medical condition, or if a hurricane or tornado flooded and damaged your home. Dealing with any insurance company, regardless of the reason, isn’t a whole lot of fun and can be frustrating at times. Trying to get them to settle a claim can be exhausting work with the mounds of paperwork to file and endless rounds of phone calls to make. Your lucky if you get a competent person on the phone to assist you half the time. The stress is enough to make you ill. Needless to say, negotiating a property damage claim with any insurance company is not pleasant. It is best left up to an experienced property damage lawyer in Tamarac, like Cameron Law Group. Our team of negotiators has the experience and skill to understand how insurance providers operate and the best way to go about getting you a fair and honest settlement for your claim. Our team skillfully negotiates a variety of property damage claims including:

  • Hurricane damage
  • Water leaks
  • Burst pipes
  • Roof damage
  • Vandalism and theft
  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Flooding
  • Tornado damage

Let’s face it, life happens, and sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes you suffer damage to your property that is beyond your control. When you’re insurance company is playing games and keeping the money you deserve from you, call a trusted property claim lawyer in Tamarac like Cameron Law Group. You can reach us at (954) 472-5645 to learn more about how we can get you the compensation you are entitled to for your property claim. You can relax and leave the negotiating to us!


Looking for a quality auto accident lawyer in Tamarac? Well, we know it can all be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’ve been injured in an auto accident recently and are still recovering from your injuries. But one thing is for sure, it is important to find a reliable attorney as soon as possible to represent you. At Cameron Law Group, our dedicated team is focused on providing the best possible legal assistance for all vehicle accident cases, whether it’s auto, motorcycle, RV or boat. If you have been injured in any way, through no fault of your own, you deserve justice and we are prepared to fight for your rights. Calling an attorney should be one of your first steps even before you call your insurance company.  Why? Because an auto accident attorney may be better equipped than you to negotiate for a larger settlement with your insurance company. Working with one of our experienced auto accident lawyers can make all of the difference between mediocre representation and a team like ours that will aggressively pursue the highest amount of monetary compensation for you with your insurance company. Some of the other things we can help you with include: 

  • Thorough accident scene documentation with photographs 
  • Obtaining the police report 
  • Obtaining medical records 
  • Lawsuit development and representation in court 
  • Negotiation with your insurance company for the highest monetary settlement
  • and more

There are many different aspects to an auto accident claim that must be settled when you’re dealing with your insurance company. We are here to help you in any way that we can. Remember, we don’t get paid unless you do. At Cameron Law Group, we’re here to help you make sense of it all and to navigate every aspect of your case. Our goal is to hopefully settle your claim before it before it goes to court. We know that dealing with insurance companies, retaining the right documentation and pursuing the best avenues for settlement can seem challenging. But, with a knowledgeable auto accident attorney in Tamarac on your side, you’re sure to come out ahead. 

What can I expect from my case?  

Every case is different, and our car accident attorney’s at Cameron Law Group in Tamarac are well versed in handling a variety of auto accident scenarios. Our dedicated attorneys will work tirelessly for you to settle your case with the best possible outcome. This often includes pursuing financial settlements for:  

  • Car repair  
  • Pain & suffering  
  • Lost wages – workman’s comp 

When your auto accident was clearly the fault of another, it’s important to hire the best attorney to prove your car accident case.  That’s why you should look no further than Cameron Law Group. Our auto accident lawyers in Tamarac are dedicated and experienced as well as compassionate individuals who care about making sure you get the money you deserve. Don’t settle for anything less than the maximum compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering. Call us at (954) 472-5645 for a no-obligation, free consultation to learn how one of our auto accident lawyers in Tamarac may be of help to you. We are here 24/7, so don’t delay—call us today! 

When it comes to South Florida property claims, we all know that working with insurance companies can be a hassle. You file a claim, the claims adjuster comes out, and you get a fraction of what you think your claim is worth. That is because the claims adjuster works for the insurance company and not you! They are there to pay the least possible amount of money to you from their employer. What can you do as a property owner in South Florida to try and get the money you deserve to repair the damage to your home? Call our team at the Cameron Law Group. We specialize in helping homeowners get the most out of their property claims.

Your home is arguably your biggest asset. In South Florida, we have storms all year round that could potentially damage your home. Although you may expect your insurance company to pay a fair amount for damages, this is not always the case. There are property claims in South Florida that are denied and/or underpaid. That can be very frustrating for a homeowner who has faithfully paid their premiums, year after year. What’s the point of having insurance if the company refuses to cover the full cost of the damages, right?  We hear you. We have seen it time and time again. Insurance companies are out to pay homeowners as little as possible. That’s when you need to call a property claims attorney in South Florida who you can really trust. Call our team of skilled attorneys at Cameron Law Group– we will fight for your rights and deal with the insurance company exclusively on your behalf.

How Can We Help with Your Property Claim?

At Cameron Law Group, our team of skilled negotiators understands how insurance providers operate. We know the best way to go about getting you fair and honest compensation for your property claim in South Florida. Our team negotiates a variety of damage claims including:

  • Damage from storms and other natural disasters
  • Broken water lines or pipes
  • Break-ins and theft
  • Damage from fire
  • Flooding
  • And more

When your insurance company isn’t treating you fairly, there is no excuse for that! Call the Cameron Law Group and learn more about how we can help you with your property claim in South Florida. Leave the negotiating to us! Call us today at (954) 472-5645 and get the compensation that you deserve.

Dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane can be complicated, and filing hurricane claims in Tamarac is no exception. It can seem that everything is crashing down, and the weight of getting reliable help can be overwhelming. Fortunately, homeowners who are looking to file a hurricane claim have access to a secret weapon that can make their process more comfortable, relaxing, and even rewarding, especially if they are denied.

Hire a Trustworthy Attorney for Denied Hurricane Claims in Tamarac

The very first step is to hire a professional attorney. If a claim is processing and comes back denied or severely underpaid, then it may be time to seek expertise. There are many ways that claims can receive fair compensation from the very beginning, such as documenting thoroughly, avoiding repairs before the inspection, and keeping up with property maintenance all year round. However, though a homeowner or business owner may do all they can to ensure maximum settlement, the reality is that lingo in the insurance world can be tricky. In some ways, the language can even be misleading. Though insurance companies are only doing their job, having a hurricane claim attorney can ease the process tenfold.

Families and businesses rely on insurance money to repair and rebuild all that is lost during massive storms. For many, that is the only way they will be able to restore their homes or their livelihood.

Cameron Law Group works on behalf of Florida residents to secure their maximum payments, especially if they’ve been denied, or come back with a less than fair offer. Their skilled attorneys provide years of experience in fighting on behalf of the people. Negotiating is part of the process, but it is perhaps the most tiresome. Lucky for homeowners and business owners, there’s no need to engage in any of the back and forth.  To receive your fair compensation for hurricane claims in Tamarac, call the experts at Cameron Law Group by calling 954-472-5645, and find out how their team can help you back on your feet.

While many people would never even think of driving without insurance, there are some people out there who have decided to make that decision. In fact, thirty million vehicle owners in America drive without insurance! While this number is staggering, there are ways to protect yourself against uninsured drivers. Luckily, an experienced auto accident lawyer in Tamarac is here to give you some tips.

If you need an auto accident lawyer in Tamarac, call the legal professionals at Cameron Law Group today!

Some drivers buy the bare minimum of insurance, simply because to some, insurance can be quite expensive, and many people find that they cannot afford it. However, when drivers are in serious accidents, the minimum coverage does not begin to cover any of the damage done, including injuries.

What is the best protection if you are in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver? There are uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist insurance options. These two insurance choices will help to protect you and the other passengers in your vehicle in the event of an accident with a driver who has insufficient coverage.

Alternatively, hiring the professionals at the Cameron Law Group is undoubtedly in your best interest if you have been in an accident. We work with hundreds of auto accident cases a year and understand the best-case approaches. We can help with medical recordkeeping and courtroom representation.

If you are hurt following a car accident, the Cameron Law Group, an auto accident lawyer in Tamarac, can help defend your best interests from start to finish. No matter the course your case takes, we’ll help you find the best approaches to find your justice. Call us today at (954) 472-5645 for a free, personalized consultation! We are here to help.

Please watch the video below to learn more about Cameron Law Group.

It’s estimated that around 3 million people are injured in auto accidents every year. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident speaking with an attorney can help you understand your legal options. Having a legal team on your side can help you understand if you have a case and what you should do next. At Cameron Law Group, our auto accident lawyer in Tamarac can help you. We understand how devastating an auto accident can be, and our attorneys will fight for your best results from start to finish.  

How can Cameron Law Group help me?

When you’ve been injured in an auto accident a good attorney can help in many ways. It’s important to understand the best approach for your case for everything from assistance with medical recordkeeping to courtroom representation. At Cameron Law Group we have your best interests in mind and we’ll work to develop your case to get the best results possible. We utilize a variety of different approaches and use the following to help with your case:  

  • Lost wage proof 
  • Accident report records  
  • Medical records  

Keeping track of your records after an accident is important for your case. If you don’t have an attorney you’ll be responsible for representing yourself. With Florida being a no-fault state, an auto accident case can be complicated. A good attorney knows the ins and outs of auto accident cases and how to best represent you.  

Schedule your consultation with Cameron Law Group today

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident our team at Cameron Law Group can help. We know how to best defend those injured in auto accidents and we’ll fight for your best results. Each case is different and a personalized approach to your case can help. Cameron Law Group offers consultations to help you learn about your case and what the best approach is. Talking to an attorney as soon as possible can help you get started on your case. Call Cameron Law Group today to speak with our attorneys about your auto accident case in Tamarac.  

For many slip and fall injuries there can be opportunities to seek financial compensation for the injuries sustained. After a slip and fall accident it’s important to speak with an attorney about your options. At Cameron Law Group, our slip and fall attorney in Tamarac can help you understand your case. Lost wages and medical expenses can quickly add up, and a good attorney will help fight for you to get the compensation you deserve. From start to finish our attorneys will help you seek financial justice so you can get the best possible results for your case.  

When should I call a slip and fall attorney?

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall it’s important to speak with an attorney to learn about your options. If your injuries were caused by negligence, malice, or the fault of another person you could have a case to pursue. Cameron Law Group has a team of attorneys who will fight for you from start to finish on your case. We work for our clients’ best interests to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve.  

Slip and fall cases vary depending on each situation and a knowledgeable attorney can help you understand if you have a case to pursue. First you must establish who is at fault for the accident and proper documentation is key. Some slip and fall accidents can lead to severe injuries and in some cases wrongful death. A good attorney will help you and your family fight for the compensation you deserve following your accident.  

Call our office today to learn about your case

If you or a family member has been injured in a slip and fall accident there is potential for a case. At Cameron Law Group, we can assist with your slip and fall case. We’ll work hard for your best results and make sure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Don’t wait to speak with an experienced attorney about your slip and fall case. Our team at Cameron Law Group can help you receive the best legal assistance for your case.