Category Archives: FL

Slip and fall incidents make up 21% of personal injury cases nationwide, and they can be truly devastating. Recovery time depends upon how severe the injury is, but sometimes individuals can’t be guaranteed their body will recover fully. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a slip and fall, it’s time to explore your options for solutions. Cameron Law Group is here to help fight for individuals in Sunrise receive the compensation they rightfully deserve. Even if it’s been years since your accident, it’s not too late to file a slip and fall injury claim in Sunrise. 


What is a Slip and Fall Injury?

A slip and fall injury is a personal injury case that individuals can still receive compensation for if they decide to take the matter to court. Many people don’t believe a slip and fall injury is as serious as other types of accidents. However, brain and spinal injuries are some of the most common injuries sustained in slip and fall accidents. Slip and fall accidents can result in lost wages, medical expenses, and other costs that quickly grow beyond your financial ability. If the slip and fall has been caused by the negligence, malice, or fault of another, there may be opportunities to seek financial justice to help resolve your case.

Unfortunately, many people either wait too long to file a slip and fall injury claim, or they don’t file one at all, forgoing their rightful compensation. Failing to file a slip and fall injury claim can lead to financial struggles for years to come.

The team at Cameron Law Group is comprised of the best slip and fall attorneys in Sunrise, FL and our goal is to help you get the compensation and the justice you deserve. 

Our slip and fall attorneys can assess your case to help you understand your ideal results. This may include:

  • Financial compensation
  • Restorative medical care
  • Review of medical professionals involved
  • Revoking of medical licenses
  • An investigation into the responsible parties
  • And more!

Should I File My Slip and Fall Injury Claim Immediately?

The sooner you file your Slip and Fall Injury claims, the better. Not only does it help to establish the legitimacy of your claims, but by filing soon after a slip and fall injury, you can ensure the facts of the case are accurate. By allowing more time to pass between the incident and when you file your claim, the details may fade or become harder to prove.

How Long Can I Wait to File My Slip and Fall Injury Claim?

Although it is in your best interest to file your slip and fall injury claim as soon as possible, Florida law allows for most injury claims to be made up to four years after the initial date of the injury. This time frame may be different depending on the specifics of your case. If you’re unsure about how much time you have to file your slip and fall injury claim, then speak to one of our slip and fall attorneys as soon as possible. You can rest easy and feel confident knowing that you have the most dedicated assistance for your case.

Since each case is unique, and the results vary widely from case to case, it’s important to find an attorney that is knowledgeable and can fight for your best results.


We Are Your Support System in a Time of Crisis

At Cameron Law Group, our slip and fall injury lawyers in Sunrise are devoted to the sole purpose of helping our clients file a strong, unwavering slip and fall injury claim. When you have suffered from medical negligence or a workplace injury, you need a support system that will fight on your behalf to get the compensation you deserve. Trust the Cameron Law Group to be that support system for you! 


When you schedule a meeting, you will meet with one of our skilled attorneys who will listen to your story and gain an understanding of your circumstances and the degree of the injuries you sustained. They will begin outlining a plan to collect all relevant evidence, so your case can take form, and your claim can be processed or fought for. With the experienced minds at Cameron Law Group, you don’t have to worry about not having a solid claim. 


Contact the Cameron Law Group Today!

Here at the Cameron Law Group, we understand accidents are a part of life, but that doesn’t mean you should have to live with the consequences. Our firm can make all the difference in the world when it comes to receiving compensation for your pain and suffering. If you’ve suffered in any way, our goal is to ensure you’re compensated fully and without delay. Contact us today to set up a meeting by calling (954) 994-2254.