As soon as the summer hits in South Florida hurricane season has officially begun. While most of the hurricanes are experienced in late summer/early fall, it’s still good to acknowledge that hurricane season has arrived. This gives you the ability to stock up on any supplies you may need and review your insurance policy. When a hurricane hits, if it hits, you will have peace of mind knowing that you have everything you and your loved ones need to make it through. Although, this peace of mind does not always last long. After the hurricane, you are going to want to do two things: make sure your loved ones are safe and check out the property damage. If your property is damaged you are then going to need to call the insurance company. They will come on out, evaluate the damage, and give you a compensation estimate. This is already quite stressful, add on top of it the stress of the compensation offered not being enough. Unfortunately, this happens far too often. If you find yourself in this situation then it’s time you fight back and get the compensation you deserve. Our team at Cameron Law Group are more than happy to assist you in getting the fair compensation you deserve.
When Should I Contact a Hurricane Claim Attorney?
It can be difficult to figure out what your next move is after having a hard time with the insurance company. Do you keep trying? Or do you give up? These questions see many people choosing to stop pursuing the claim as they are not aware of their options. However, contacting a hurricane claim attorney can be the answer to all of your questions. With a hurricane claim attorney such as a member of our team from Cameron Law Group, you can get fair compensation without having to deal with the insurance company. This is a major win-win for you. Keep reading to learn about some of the common situations where an attorney is needed.
Your Claim is Denied
This scenario is more common than people think; after having someone come on out to evaluate the damage, constantly being in contact with the insurance company, and spending time on your claim, you are denied. Many people are denied by the insurance company, leaving them to go in their own pockets for all of the damages incurred during the hurricane. The damage may not always be horrible, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t expensive. If you have fallen into this situation in the past then you may want to be prepared for it to happen again. When the insurance companies cannot be trusted it’s time to look for help elsewhere. Here at Cameron Law Group, we can help you when your claim gets denied. We will work tirelessly to negotiate so you receive fair compensation.
You are Unfamiliar with the Claim/Negotiation Process
If you have never had to deal with the insurance company before then consider yourself lucky. It is by far one of the biggest hassles. Not only do you need to fill out a claim, but you also have to negotiate with the insurance company about the said claim. This is incredibly frustrating and time consuming for the average person. The worst part is that sometimes your claim can be denied over frivolous reasons, making the process even more frustrating. Whether you have been through the ordeal before, or never have and don’t want to experience it, Cameron Law Group is here for you. We can handle the messy parts of the process, such as negotiation, for you. Who better to negotiate on your behalf than someone who makes a living debating and negotiating?
Whether you are new to hurricane season or a veteran, knowing all of your options when it comes to dealing with the insurance company can prove to be a real asset. Regardless of how much damage your home has incurred, you are still entitled to fair and just compensation. And sometimes the only way to get that is with a hurricane claim attorneys help. To learn more about hurricane claim representation and Cameron Law Group, give us a call today at (954) 994-2254.