A great lawyer can do a whole lot more than most people think. A personal injury lawyer is a wonderful resource for those who have been injured, but our team here at the Cameron Law Group also specializes in helping homeowners get the most out of their property claims as well. An insurance company is supposed to be a saving grace in the event your home is damaged as the result of a storm or any other kind of incident. However, many property claims in South Florida end up denied or underpaid and that can be very frustrating for a homeowner who’s always on time with their premium payments. What’s the point of having insurance if they aren’t going to cover the full cost of the damage or outright deny any responsibility for compensation at all? Our lawyers at the Cameron Law Group hate to see an honest homeowner getting taken advantage of by a greedy insurance company. That’s why we’re here to help!
People work with insurance companies for many reasons. If you’re in a fender bender, if you have to see the doctor or if your home was damaged by any number of forces, natural or not. Dealing with your insurance company, regardless of the reason, isn’t a whole lot of fun. Anyone will tell you they aren’t exactly generous when it comes to settling a claim. Working with an insurance company is best left up to the team at Cameron Law thanks to our skills and experience. Our team of negotiators understand how insurance providers operate and we know the best way to go about getting you fair and honest compensation for your property claim in South Florida. Our team skillfully negotiates a variety of damage claims including:
- Storm Damage
- Water Leaks
- Break-Ins and Theft
- Fire
- Flooding
- Many More!

For all the times in life where something goes wrong, your insurance company claimed to be there. When they aren’t, call the Cameron Law Group and learn more about how we can get you the compensation you deserve for your property claim in South Florida. You won’t get anywhere trying to adjust your claim yourself. Negotiating with an insurance company is best left to those with the experience and skills you can rely on so call today!